Astroparticle Physics Committee
Astroparticle Physics Committee
Astroparticle Physics Committee
Welcome to the Astroparticle Physics Committee
The research division Astroparticle Physics is in place since 1 January 2019 with Christian Stegmann as director of this division. Each of the research areas at DESY is advised by an international committee of scientists and in the case of astroparticle physics, the committee is the Astroparticle Physics Committee (APC). The APC gives advice to the DESY directorate on all matters related to the astroparticle physics division at DESY.
Within astroparticle physics, DESY is currently concentrating on the study of cosmic gamma radiation and high-energy neutrinos from outer space. Both gamma-ray and neutrino astronomy are exceedingly dynamic fields of research, and DESY is one of the leading institutes involved in large international observatories such as the future Cherenkov Telescope Array, CTA, and in upgrading the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole. Theoretical astroparticle physics is responsible for the important task of interpreting the data provided by the various different cosmic messengers, and to describe how they are connected. Within the astroparticle physics research division, a particular scientific focus lies within the multimessenger programme.
APC Chair: Jörn Wilms, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
APC Vice-Chair: Jamie Holder, University of Delaware
APC Scientific Secretary: Wiebke Schubotz, wiebke.schubotz[at]desy.de

The APC at its 10th meeting in October 2023 in Zeuthen. Standing from left to right: Elena Amato (INAF/ University of Florence), Stefano Gabici (APC Paris), Marco Cirelli (LPTHE - CNRS), Jörn Wilms (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg), Marica Branchesi (Gran Sasso Science Institute), Jamie Holder (University of Delaware), Christian Stegmann (DESY). Missing were Hermann Heßling (HTW Berlin) and Dorothea Samtleben (National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Nikhef).